Tag Archives: Connecticut

a few more Connecticut photos for those interested

Connecticut  3 005 Connecticut  3 019 Connecticut  3 024 Connecticut  3 031 Connecticut  3 058 Connecticut  3 113 Connecticut 2013 (2) 013 Connecticut 2013 (2) 018 Connecticut 2013 (2) 029 Connecticut 2013 (2) 033 Connecticut 2013 (2) 044 Connecticut 2013  (1) 009 Connecticut 2013  (1) 063

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Connecticut 2

Connecticut  3 137 Connecticut  3 135 Connecticut  3 136 Connecticut  3 125 Connecticut  3 006 Connecticut  3 075 Connecticut  3 076 Connecticut  3 037 Connecticut  3 110

Connecticut  3 039


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Connecticut 2013 (2) 024Connecticut 2013 (2) 054Connecticut 2013  (1) 017Connecticut 2013 (2) 055Connecticut 2013  (1) 052Connecticut 2013 (2) 008Connecticut 2013 (2) 022Connecticut 2013 (2) 055Connecticut 2013  (1) 008Connecticut 2013  (1) 014

Connecticut 2013 (2) 018

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walking woodbury

Beautiful day for a walk .  So I went along Flanders Road and bore right along  the main road through town . The town is Woodbury , Connecticut , about 3000 miles , I guess ,  from my home in Arcadia .  I brought along , I admit totally by accident,  the warm weather from California .  They have had a bitter winter here , I hear , up until I arrived .  But , since I’ve been in Woodbury  , the weather has been warm , hot in the middle of the day . We’ve been working , painting and dry walling ,  cleaning out the garage , and running around the countryside shopping for an  upcoming wedding .Connecticut 2013 (2) 005 Connecticut 2013 (2) 003

But , today I walk . My two hosts, the bride-to-be and the groom-to-be ,  were busy with their own projects .  I would be on my own .Connecticut 2013 (2) 063

New England .   Clues all over the place blowing its cover  , from the bright yellow blooms of forsythia to the old colonial houses ,  to the birch , elm , and whatever-other-trees  forests everywhere surrounding  , to the stone walls ,to the town hollow . There was an Earth Day celebration at the hollow yesterday .

I also , speaking of hollows , passed near Sleepy Hollow in New York yesterday on the way to a Yankee game . Didn’t detour over there , though .  The Van Tassels have probably moved out by now , anyhow .  I wouldn’t mind having a little talk with Icabod Crane , teacher to teacher , maybe counsel him a little .  But , of course , he’s long gone . I imagine there might be a Sleepy Hollow Motel there and , maybe ,  a  Headless Horseman Restaurant , and maybe even a Katrina Van Tassel hair and nail salon .  Maybe . But I don’t know ’cause I didn’t go there .Connecticut 2013 (2) 055 Connecticut 2013 (2) 028Connecticut 2013 (2) 023 Connecticut 2013 (2) 024 Connecticut 2013 (2) 036 Connecticut 2013 (2) 034 Connecticut 2013 (2) 049

The town of Woodbury is , conveniently , stretched out along the main drag . It’s not spread out , here and over  there , but is all clustered together , the center that is , along a few -mile strip . Most of it is sidewalked with an asphalt walkway . It’s picturesque . Many of the old residences have become antiques shops or lawyers’ offices . Lots of vehicle traffic through town . No doubt lots of tourists in the summer wander through here hunting antiques and photos of traditional New England .  In Woodbury , fortunately , there aren’t any kitchy tourist traps named , for example , such things as   ” Ye Olde Card Shoppe ”  or  ” The Witches’ Brew Coffee Shoppe ” .Connecticut 2013 (2) 011 Connecticut 2013 (2) 012 Connecticut 2013 (2) 030

Connecticut 2013 (2) 008

Tomorrow will be a liqour run for the upcoming wedding . We’re driving up to Massachusetts  to buy it because the prices are significantly lower up there , I’m told .  Or down there . Or over there .

I’m a little lost .Connecticut 2013 (2) 040 Connecticut 2013 (2) 042Connecticut 2013 (2) 051

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turning 60 in connecticut

The Connecticut Yankees were all complaining that it was cold ,  but it wasn’t . I was there a week . Sunshine except for one day of rain . I got sunburned a little despite my 30 sunscreen . ” Sorry about the cold weather , ” they’d say . Connecticutians complaining to a Californian .

My friend Willie had a 60th birthday .  His girlfriend Jan planned the party . I saw her notebook that had lists of guests and what each guest promised to bring . Lists of those with chairs and how many chairs and those with tables and how many tables , and those with tents . Yeah , tents . Three tents were set up , mostly as a plan B measure in case of rain . There was a fourth tent but I spent  half an hour trying to figure how to set it up and by then Willie , Jan , and I decided that it was too complicated . Maybe we could have got it up and maybe not . It was Army green and  Willie and I missed basic training way back when . The  other tents set up easily and quickly . The Army tent sat in the garage .

We set up tables under the tents . Jan’s ‘s mother and I put bouquets of blue and purple flowers on each table . Nice thick paper table clothes held down with tape . Plenty of folding chairs of various types lent by several people . Neat . Organized .  Ready for rain . And everyone later sat up on the deck in the sunshine . No one approached the tents .

Willie had friends from all periods of his life there . One guy who now lives  in Arkansas was there with his wife . He had lived in the New York City apartment house with Willie when they were small kids . There were some former college roommates of his there and musician friends from various past times there . And local people .

Jan had the food plan arranged , potluck , so that there would be  plenty of food . But she and Willie went out and bought tons more of cold cuts and fruit and chips —- just in case . There was enough left-over food for an army  . There were twenty -five bottles of red wine left over . There was enough for another party or two . Or three .

Willie’s brother composed a song for Willie , kind of a ” this is your life ” review of experiences . Jan recited for him a poem that she had written about how he had affected her . His friend Heafy filmed the event  and promised that a video would  arrive some time in the near future .

At one point Willie , Jan , Willie’s brother , and Willie’s nephew were playing music for the crowd . ” We have one more announcement ,” Willie said at the microphone . Then he and Jan sang ” going to the Chapel ” and the crowd roared . The sun was still shining . Willie was crying . ” I just kept looking out and seeing people from all parts of my life in front of me ,” he said .

Turning 60 is a big deal for some people . Willie’s turning was marked in a big way . He looked about the same when he was 60 as when he was 59 , I thought . Maybe a little tireder . But it was a nice marker along the life path  for Willie . A big event . People came from New York and Virginia and Arkansas and California to attend . Weather was excellent and it all worked out . Everone got a guitar pick with an inscription and a chocolate guitar to take home as a party favor . There was a cake as big as a small car . It had Willie’s picture on it . I thought that Jan was lucky to find a cake with Willie’s picture on it in Woodbury , Connecticut . What are the chances of that ? Sure , maybe in Waterbury or Hartford ……………………..

I turned 60 the same month as Willie . We had a house full of friends for a dinner cooked by Ada and I asked them all to say how they’d met me . It was wonderful . We had originally planned the dinner for outside.  But it rained .  There was no poetry and no one sang . I looked about the same at 60 as when I was 59  I thought . I felt about the same , too .

There is something about round numbers , though , I suppose . When I was 18 one of my roommates at UCLA turned 20 . Big round number . As far as I was concerned , he could have been 60 . How could  I have a roommate so old , I wondered ?

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