
Oakley founder James Jannard just sold his house in Malibu for $210 million. Oakley is the eyeglasses company .

I had a pair of Oakley sunglasses once. I wore them for years until they began to fall apart . I liked them. I found them under an apple tree .

Ada and I were apple-picking several years ago in Oak Glen , CA . Under one of the trees someone had left a pair of sunglasses . No way to find the person who lost them , so I adopted them . Didn’t think much about them. They worked fine .

One day a kid at school said to me , out of the blue : ” Oakleys . My dad wears Oakleys .”

” What’re Oakleys ? ” I said . The sunglasses that I had on , he said , are Oakleys . There’s a particular symbol on them , he said , says they’re Oakleys .

Oakleys ? I happened to mention the short conversation I’d had with the kid about my sunglasses to the school police officer. ” I can get you a 10% discount on Oakleys ,” he said . ” We school cops get a 10% discount .

So I looked up Oakleys on the web later . Well , they’re not cheap . To be honest I’d always thought of my found pair as cheapos . They seemed sort of flimsy to me . I liked them , but I didn’t know a thing about Oakleys at the time .

Finally , the pair of Oakleys wore out . I got good use of them . And the price ( for me ) was right . I didn’t help that company founder to buy his house in Malibu that he just sold for $210 million. By the way , he bought it for $75 million just a few years ago , so he made a pretty good profit on the thing . I think they make a pretty good profit on the sale of their expensive sunglasses , too . I imagine it costs about four dollars to make a pair . Maybe five . Maybe three .The brand has a range of retail prices up in the hundreds .

But , of course , that’s business . None of my business , anyway . Selling a house for $210 million , though ! He’ll probably find a way to avoid any possible hefty capital gains tax on that sale , too .

I wouldn’t mind finding another pair of Oakleys sometime. They were a good pair of sunglasses , as sunglasses go . I’m pretty sure I’m not going to buy a pair of Oakleys any time soon , though . My hard-earned money might well find its way into the wrong pockets .

Good for the Oakley founder for making such a profit on the sale of his house , nevertheless ! I haven’t yet heard who bought the place . Someone else with more money than they know what to do with , I suppose . I don’t travel in those circles .


Filed under humor

5 responses to “oakley

  1. A good day of apple picking, for you. Not so good for the guy who left the sunglasses there.

  2. GP

    Never had a pair. I’m pretty rough on glasses.

  3. Ye ole Malibu houses ain’t what they used to be. Here’s a story in TNY about Kanye West buying one for upwards of $50m then scratching it. It’s now for sale (the shell) for $37m. A bargain? Meanwhile, the ocean’s about to wash them all away anyway. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2024/06/17/kanye-west-tadao-ando-beach-house-malibu

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